Sunday, January 06, 2013

(Final Episode) Place Ad Here

(WEEK 10)
   Welcome to last episode of Creative Studies. Shall we get started?

   Ad's. Love them or hate them, Ad's are the essence of introducing and/or promoting certain items via billboard or in the internet. Even if they are annoying and sometimes at places that you wish it would just go away, the world's economy would have not strive if it was not of Ad's.

   But, only in the hand of those who truly understands on how Ad's works and how to make it work is able to use it's surprising ability to fish out consumer and such. In the hands of who don't, well let's just say that the company might be no doing so well.

   Why Ad's? Well, if you have a product and no want knows about it, how are you going to sell your product? That's why Ad's is important regardless of how not important it is sometimes.

   How to make a good Ad? First you need to think on what the consumer is attracted to. They are human who have emotions and feeling. The Ad you present will be effected by this. A good connection with the consumer will result the success of your product and the failure connection is the opposite.

   So make sure your presentation is up to date as well. Now people would prefer to see or hear Now things. Never denied the evolution of your surroundings.

Tips for a good Advertisement

1. No Spam Ad
   What drives the consumer away from the product is that the Ad's for that product are spamming non stop. Especially on the internet. And sometimes, it's annoying.

   It's just sometime, consumers need their personal space. Ad's popping up from nowhere and start spitting out information to their faces. No wonder they hate Ad's. This cycle of spamming need to be control. A moderate amount of times should be enough. Too much and they will get pissed off.

2. Advertising the truth
   Let's face it, no one likes a liar. And making an Ad that is complete bullshit with lies will just drive the consumer farther away.

   When presenting the product on your Ad, make sure what you present is the truth and nothing but the truth. Because, if the consumer finds out that it was a huge lie, then prepare yourself for either angry mobs or no sale this month. Just tell the truth. And if the truth is really that bad, then make some improvement on your product that's to be Advertise with the truth being it's a good product.

3. Full usage of today's Media
   Take advantage. No, take control! Be the first to utilize all the Media in both the world and in the internet.

   Take the two tips before and use them to fullest at these examples of Media. There are tons of consumers at these places. A majority might not take interest in you Ad's, but in time the probability of your Ad to be notice is very high. Even if success is not expected in the beginning, sooner or later it will come to you.

   It was one of a hell ride doing this blog but I'm satisfied to reach the end of it... To all the readers of this blog regardless from where you are or who you are, thank you for giving some of your time to read my blog. I know some of the post seems very amateurish and badly executed and I don't blame you.

   Regardless of all that, Once again, thank you and see ya again someday in the future.

   This has been Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharuddin, MZbS, 1122700285, signing off the creative studies assignment for the first but probably wont be the last time.

End of the Line.