Sunday, January 06, 2013

(Final Episode) Place Ad Here

(WEEK 10)
   Welcome to last episode of Creative Studies. Shall we get started?

   Ad's. Love them or hate them, Ad's are the essence of introducing and/or promoting certain items via billboard or in the internet. Even if they are annoying and sometimes at places that you wish it would just go away, the world's economy would have not strive if it was not of Ad's.

   But, only in the hand of those who truly understands on how Ad's works and how to make it work is able to use it's surprising ability to fish out consumer and such. In the hands of who don't, well let's just say that the company might be no doing so well.

   Why Ad's? Well, if you have a product and no want knows about it, how are you going to sell your product? That's why Ad's is important regardless of how not important it is sometimes.

   How to make a good Ad? First you need to think on what the consumer is attracted to. They are human who have emotions and feeling. The Ad you present will be effected by this. A good connection with the consumer will result the success of your product and the failure connection is the opposite.

   So make sure your presentation is up to date as well. Now people would prefer to see or hear Now things. Never denied the evolution of your surroundings.

Tips for a good Advertisement

1. No Spam Ad
   What drives the consumer away from the product is that the Ad's for that product are spamming non stop. Especially on the internet. And sometimes, it's annoying.

   It's just sometime, consumers need their personal space. Ad's popping up from nowhere and start spitting out information to their faces. No wonder they hate Ad's. This cycle of spamming need to be control. A moderate amount of times should be enough. Too much and they will get pissed off.

2. Advertising the truth
   Let's face it, no one likes a liar. And making an Ad that is complete bullshit with lies will just drive the consumer farther away.

   When presenting the product on your Ad, make sure what you present is the truth and nothing but the truth. Because, if the consumer finds out that it was a huge lie, then prepare yourself for either angry mobs or no sale this month. Just tell the truth. And if the truth is really that bad, then make some improvement on your product that's to be Advertise with the truth being it's a good product.

3. Full usage of today's Media
   Take advantage. No, take control! Be the first to utilize all the Media in both the world and in the internet.

   Take the two tips before and use them to fullest at these examples of Media. There are tons of consumers at these places. A majority might not take interest in you Ad's, but in time the probability of your Ad to be notice is very high. Even if success is not expected in the beginning, sooner or later it will come to you.

   It was one of a hell ride doing this blog but I'm satisfied to reach the end of it... To all the readers of this blog regardless from where you are or who you are, thank you for giving some of your time to read my blog. I know some of the post seems very amateurish and badly executed and I don't blame you.

   Regardless of all that, Once again, thank you and see ya again someday in the future.

   This has been Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharuddin, MZbS, 1122700285, signing off the creative studies assignment for the first but probably wont be the last time.

End of the Line.

Art is Yesterday, Today and Forever

(WEEK 9)
   'Normal greeting'! How are the readers of this blog feeling today?

   Now, the second last post of the creative studies is about creativity in art design and multimedia. On how it has existed since the dawn of man, probably. And has continue to evolve and change in time.

   So that's the jizz of this post. So why don't we get started then shall we?

   Oh? You notice the 'second last post of the creative studies'? Yup. That says it all. Now onward!

   Now, let's take an example of creativeness in art design back then, 'Dada' or 'Dadaism'.

   Dadai or Dada or Dadaist is an art movement by the European avant-garde in the earlier 20th century. Started at Zurich, Switzerland in the year 1916, the spread to Britain afterwards. Dada is known to be quoted as 'The language of Art Knowledge'

   An example of Dadaist artwork named 'Cut with the Dada kitchen knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic' By Hannah Höch in the year 1919.

   The artwork itself prides on being illogical, weird, nonsensical and just plain weird. Dada was a movement that was established in the response to the horrors of 'World War I' in which Dadaists saw as the effect of gripping way too tightly to logic.

   What makes this art form incredible is that these works are still popular in modern visual communication even though Dadaism was started like a century ago. So, what appeals to the contemporary audience is its nature to challenge the way you see and understand things.
However, Dada is just one of the art form that has stood strong in the ever changing of time. There are many form of art that is still alive and well used in modern society.

   Have you ever wonder of how Mythical creature ever came to looked? Notably, try to imagine a Dragon of a second.

   Probably this is how you see a dragon. Look at it carefully and you would be on how you never notice it. Notice what? Well, having scales like a fish or claw that looks like a chicken's claw or a bird's claw or etc.

   You should have realize by now that this creature was a hybrid of many different animals and creatures. Have you ever taught of how in the world that they are able to imagine such idea. And to think that this process of Juxtaposition became the symbol of Chinese culture through the ages.

  It shows on how creativity has existed for a long period of time and how it creates things that has last.

   So, as a young creative designer of today, we are encourage to create a new art form. Using the art forms of the past is acceptable for references and such. And if possible, try to be original rather than a new version of the old one.

   Guess that's all for this week then...

   See ya for the last Creative Studies Blog. This has been... well... Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharuddin, MZbS, 1122700285.

The Cousin of Juxtaposition? RWA?

(WEEK 8)
   Ahoy again me buckos, T another MZbS post! How you be doin' this fine day?

   So... pirate talk aside, in this week's edition of MZbS creative studies blog, we'll be talking about the cousin of Juxtaposition, RWA.

   So, who is RWA? Well, RWA stands for 'Random Word Association'. But, what does it mean? Well, that's why you're here...

   Let's begin...

   Juxtaposition uses a certain subject in a very direct manner. Then there RWA, that takes advantage of the opportunities it sees within the subject. To understand more, here is Mr. Yap's example of this topic:

   'Now, imagine you’re trapped in a room, naked, and all alone. You are not at home and there are no clothes around. Outside, there are people passing by the room. The only thing which is also there in the room is a big trash can. So what do you do to get yourself out of this fix?'

If you use juxtaposition, you are most likely to use the trash can as a form of clothing and cover yourself with it while trying to get home as quickly as possible.

If you use RWA, you will bang on the trash can really loudly until someone outside hears it. When that person peers into the room to see what’s wrong, he’ll find you, and you can ask him to help you.

   Now, at this point you're probably saying, "What the...?" or "...Huh?". And I understand. I was like that as well when this is first introduce to me. So to make it short, simple and a little bit understandable... Juxtaposition is more of a way to get thing done or to solve something alternatively while RWA uses that alternatively as an opportunity to be something else.

   I guess the only way to understand this further is by another example and luckily there was one given by Mr. Yap. It was also an exercise during his class.

PROBLEM: Stop and/or discourage people from smoking
RANDOM WORD: Traffic Light

Traffic Light in Hi-Def Drawing

Points obtain in the logical mind map of 'Traffic Light' as shown on picture and below:
1- Colors
2- Dirty
3- Sign
4- Metal

   How to use colors to stop the smokers smoking? Well... how bout changing the color of the cigarette to something nasty like violet or something. Maybe even the color pink. This will make the smoker think twice to take his cigarette and start smoking. The color will not be a delight to be put in their mouth.

   Dirty? Simple. Make the tip of the cigarette into something so foul that the smoker won't even touch or look at it.

   Do you know that HP bar like in those RPG games? Yeah... Put it there of the white part and put the word Life or HP. They'll understands...

   Just make it a heat conducting cigarette made out of metal without the user of the cigarette knowing about it. He'll regret ever toughing a cigarette anymore. Hehe...

   And there you go. Hope you understand RWA now because I'm totally :poop: doing this post.

   Anyhow, the use of RWA is unique way to create something new in a creative way. But of course probably not all the time though...

   And so... 'We end yet another post. Me name is Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharuddin, MZbS, 1122700285 and we be done for now.'

Juxtaposition~! What the *beep*~!

(WEEK 7)


   Well to sum it a a few words...

"Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa."

   Now that you know, let me show you an example given by Mr. Radzi on how this concept works. First, we were to choose 3 different numbers ranging from 00 to 99. Afterwards, he gave us two list of ten different words that later would become our Juxtaposition.

1st List

1. Flower
2. Lightning
3. Ice
4. Light
5. Fire
6. Duck
7. Dog
8. Oil
9. Leave
0. Fly

2nd List

0. Head
9. Rain
8. Wood
7. Tree
6. Spider
5. Root
4. Mountain
3. Wind
2. Rock
1. Mountain

   And so, the numbers that I've pick is 19, 25 and 69.
19- Flower Rain
25- Lightning Root
69- Duck Rain

   Afterwards, we were ask to make a sentence of the two words.
19- The 'Flower' was drizzled by the 'Rain'
25- 'Lightning' is the 'Root' of power
69- The 'Duck' flew through the 'Rain'

   Then, Mr, Radzi asked to draw it these things again but fused together. Sounds easy but in reality, not that much.

   After we're done with this activity, Mr. Radzi gave a little more insight on Juxtaposition on that sometimes the combination of two things doesn't turn out so well and is incompatible to be with. For example, this wonderful hybrid of a species.

   The reason of this hybrid an incompatible fusion is that this animal itself will immediately die. Why? Well, first of all it's a fish and it needs to be the water. And since it's also a bird... Well, you get the idea. Both can't survive on the others habitat.
   And after that, we were given time to draw out our own version of an incompatible hybrid. Seems easy enough but it isn't. It has to something that cannot survive with it's condition. And the idea that I came up with might not be but probably able to survive.

   What makes this hybrid unable to survive? A very big and heavy head to fly around with and the fact that it. So yeah... probably going to be 50-50 chances to survive.

   Moving on. Mr. Radzi gave one us last activity. This time, we will be given a Juxtaposition and we're suppose to come up with a passage relating to that certain Juxtaposition.

   The first one, a 'chili' and the word 'Love'

   'Maiden of absolute beauty'
'Sohot as well as spicy'
   'And goddamn sexy'
'The burning sensation unbearable'
   'Just desire for more and more'
'Unable to compremise anymore'
   'So loving you as tasty as a red-hot chili'

   So yeah... After that, we were given to make a choice and pick another three juxtaposition. And her they are...

1. 'this thing' with 'Life'

'Life is lit in a moment'
'Time past by, slowly ever slow the flames smaller ever small'
'And the tip it starts, now at end'
'Light out, life no more'

2. 'this thing' with 'Happiness'

'Time ticks and time tock'
'Anytime when and anytime how'
'Either at AM of in the PM'
'Happiness is sure be around'

3. 'this thing' with 'Man or Woman' 

'A woman is like this goldfish in this picture. Looks timid and cute but can sometimes be fierce and scary'

(p/s: no sexism attended)

   It was a fun week, able to do those drawings and a little poem and what not. Juxtaposition is an interesting technique to use in making new original idea. Well, almost...

   Nonetheless, I've learn a lot in making this post and I hope that someday by using this technique, I could create a fresh, new and creative ideas in designing whatever I'm going to design in the future.

   Till then, THIS WAS THE AI SYSTEM Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharuddin, AKA MZbS, AND CODE NUMBER 1122700285. PROGRAM TERMINATED.