你好,你怎么样... If you don't understand... Copy that text and use Google translate... It's there for a reason you know. Unless your Chinese then, is that what its suppose to meant?
Anywei... This is the 3rd post of my blog. What's the assignment this time? Let's just says it has to do with the title of this post... What? You can't understand what does the title mean? That's why you are here in my blog. To understands whatever the heck that I'm trying to tell you about.
And in this case, it about the FIVE words that both associate and does not associate with CREATIVE that I've pick during my Creative Studies class.
So... let do it...
1- Weird and Normal?Ok, sometimes the most 'normal guy' in your class could be the guy whom has the most literary good brain function. As much as that is good for someone to be your friend and help with your homework or stuff, it's not the best buddy when you want to think or brainstorm with. With a normal brain capacity, it's hard for that certain individual to actually contribute to thinking something creatively.
That where the 'weird guy' comes in. With his messed up brain, there will be bound to many weird and 'out of the box' ideas. He may even came out with some ideas that you barely ever taught of. Just be careful on handling his ideas though... Sometimes, he may even go overboard...
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Just like a brain, are you a left or right? Or both? |
So, why weird is associate with creative? Simple, being creative one must think of something no one has ever taught of before. Hence, the weird stuff is always has been the one that speaks for itself in the context of creativeness. And normality is not exactly wrong in creativity. It's just that thinking in a normal matter really doesn't find help the idea to be creativity but it does contribute by rationalize the idea. In other words, both are important in creativity. Each helps the other into making a creative idea.
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Express your idea! Even if it makes you look weird! |
So... just be weird and be proud of your weirdness.
2- Extraordinary
Are you a robot or an alien? What's the different? Well... for one thing, robots are machine consisting of wires, gear and etc. Robots also follow commands and do what their told to. And of course have no control over their own actions.
While alien are being way different from one another and sometimes act different on based on what it thinks. They may follow the command given but though time, they will do it in another way and/or just disobey it.
If you are an alien-type, than congratulation! You are very extraordinary! Is that a bad thing? Of course not unless you're dealing with the military. Being extraordinary make you think differently than others. For example, a bowl of rice is put in front of the class. People will see it as it is but you will sometime differ it from what it is. Another example is when given work. This way is the best way but you tried other ways explore other option on completing the work.
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They're watching you... |
Don't just be ordinary... be EXTRAordinary. And by the way, extraordinary is not the same as being weird. If you think it is, than you're not that creative... heheh...
The word 'fresh' is just a replacement for the word 'new' because 'new' is too mainstream. Both have equally the same meaning. What the word effect towards creativity is that, it creates 'new' and sometimes bold new ideas. Try to avoid the use of the same ideas and creation, something 'fresh' is made up and it can only create by using the capacity of one's creativity ability.
Even though in today's society, it is kind of hard to see 'fresh' ideas around. And even if there is one, it is not widely accepted by the society due to society's bland desire to try something 'fresh' and what not.
Nonetheless, imagining 'fresh' batch of ways to do or creations that can be use by the society is not that easy but nor is it hard. It only takes your ability to imagine and to idealize the creative asset that one possessed.
4- Variety
The concept of the word variety in creativity is that not all ideas, invention and innovation came from just a single concept base. It is made up by a different structure and compiled together to create one idea.
I believe that every idea in this world is molded with different component pasted together. There are many example that I believe that is such of what I have applied.
But of course even you, the reader have done it as well. Idealizing one thing and then another. Then combining the two to create something better. It doesn't matter if it's a way to do things or an invention of your own. We all might have probably done and we don't even realize it.
5- Yourself
Whats there to say... If you are not yourself. If you are not true to who you are, then get lost. Creativity is not being someone else or trying to become someone else. It all about yourself. Who you are. What you are.
If you are unable to be yourself, everything you do will only stretch as far as you can see and never beyond that. The image below is for those who are never true to themselves and always try to be someone their not.
Free yourself. Only by then, the creative seed that lies within you can finally bloom and be freed from the dark cage that was entrapped in the depths of your heart. But make sure its controlled and make sure to know the limit of 'how' you can be yourself.
1- ImpossibleIn the world of creativity, there is one word that can be consider a mortal enemy of it. 'Impossible' is the name of it.
So, why is 'Impossible' does not related to creative? It's fairly simple. If one should apply the 'Impossible' in whatever they are doing then they would not achieve for whatever they were trying to accomplish.
Creativity is created with the denial of the word 'Impossible'. Many creative concept of the early life of the human was created because of creativity and with the mind set of straying away of whatever the the idea was from the fact that it is 'Impossible' to do.
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Use the creativity inside of you to find a way to cross over the cliff! And depends if you can! Or else just go back... |
2- Bland
Seriously... The word is not hard to understand. Without a doubt creativity is not compatible with the word 'Bland'
Creativity in everything in this world must have that spicy flavor that makes it so interesting to the eye and mind of certain individual. If it is too 'Bland' and even just a little 'Bland' then it will not work. If the eyes of the individual sees or hears an idea that is likeable or even makes the individual wonders with curiosity, then it can be classify as a creative idea while if it makes the individual feel the opposite then it is surely a 'Bland' idea that cause the individual to not have the slight interest over the idea.
To sum it up, creativity just won't work along side with bland or else nothing is idealize because of it.
3- Repetitive
Have you played a video game series that has been doing the same thing over and over and over the game with the same formula and concept with no change whatsoever? Then you probably have been playing some 'Repetitive' games.
First off, not all games that uses the same formula and design was able to keep the interest in people. There are some that is consider 'Not broken, so why fix it' type of game and therefore the games formula is reuses in ever sequel. And then there's the 'This is getting tedious/repetitive' type of game'. These are the one's that really been doing the same thing over and over and over again.
The movie 'SAW' is a piece of repetitiveness. Why? From the first to the latest of which ever the number is, it's been the same and we know how it's going to end. Seriously, this is absolutely nothing more than to fill up their wallet without barely using their CREATIVITY in making something new in the series. Regardless of the back-story of each character in each of the series, we can literary say the outcome of what's going to happen. Guess the only creative in that movie is how they're going to die. Even that's getting old.
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I wonder how it's going to end in this one? |
4- Useless
Every creative ideas was thought up for a certain reason. Some are to help the people around while some ideas are just to improve the standards of the daily life of the modern people in this current time. Which ever you pick.
But in every ideas that comes to mind, there will always ideas that are utterly useless. And in this world of creativity, that is not acceptable.
Every creative ideas sometimes or always generate ways to provide support or to improve the life of mankind in the 20th century. But if the ideas is useless, then what's the point. Creativity exist for a reason. And if that certain creativity is useless, then it's not really creativity.
That my friend is just plain stupid.
5- Atrocious
"What makes a good creativity idea a good creativity idea? If it was a bad one, it wouldn't be called an 'Atrocious' idea now would it?" (in a Scottish accent)
Simple to say, creativity is suppose to be a good thing rather than bad. Hence, the word 'Atrocious'. If it does not make sense to you, then I will enlighten you even further on why those this world wouldn't go along in creativity.
('Atrocious' = bad) + ('Creativity = idea) = You do the math...
And if you can't do the math, the answer is, Twilight.
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Twilight is not that bad of a love story... right...? |
Anyhow, I guess that's it for this post...
Nonetheless, there are pretty much a lot more words that both relates and unrelated to creativity. But since I'm a lazy douche with the knack of playing video games rather than writing up blogs. I won't put some of the words that didn't make the cut.
Until the next post which would be likely someday near in the future... This is Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharudin, 1122700285, signing off.