Moshi, moshi... We all know the Titanic from James Cameron movie... you know... Titanic... And that scene where Jack drew Rose in... well... naked mode... In all seriousness, that's not what I'm posting this for. It's, well for the PSC0013 week 1 another assignment. What am I do to in this segment you ask? Well, let's just say that the how the Titanic sunk isn't what is suppose to be... Or rather...
Screw this...
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Yeah... You're not gonna make it... |
I know what you're thinking, Illogical and Stupid sound like the same thing... well it is...
OK then! Lets take a look at my reasons!
And if you never watch the Titanic, here's link to a video about the movie Titanic pretty much in a nutshell...
Movie in Minutes - Titanic
1. LOGICAL REASON: Science and Physics and Whatever...
In a new theory by scientist today... really... you couldn't go and research on more important stuff other than a ship that was ORIGINALLY to be ANTI-SINKING. Whats done is done...sheesh...Well anyways, they taught it was strange that an iceberg was lurking around in that specific course of the Titanic path to its destination. The captain, Captain Edward Smith even disregard of warnings that icebergs were in the area where the ship was sailing, for soon-to-be a century and the dude was the most experienced in the White Star Line and had made the exact same voyage via the North Atlantic Sea on several occasions. Everyone was surprised bout the iceberg and even the MOST knowledgeable dude about this thing was surprised. Who wouldn't?
Now, as Returner explain about this that the iceberg that the Titanic hit was an iceberg from...
You know what... F!@K this! This blog is about thinking CREATIVELY of stuff that happens around us not some real science and physics crap! You want logic? Here is the reason...
1. LOGICAL REASON (Simple and clean edition): Just read it...
The Titanic hit an iceberg that was just happen to be there unexpectedly. It was a tragic event that was unavoidable and can be consider as fate. The end.
Hate on Simply-Siti? Here the full boring theory
Now with that out of the way... lets go to some creative theories!
2. ILLOGICAL REASONS (Creative Mode Activate!) : Aliens!!
Now when you think about it, aliens are from outer space. Astronauts said it was cold out there so, what if the iceberg was their base? That can still be a logical theory right? For some sensible people, that is unlikely but for a person like me whom thinks everything is possible... well, this theory is possible.Now, let me level with you for a second.
The aliens came to earth at that time to scout our forces. So they use an iceberg as their scouting transportation, right? On their mission they stumble upon the Titanic. They were scared of how humongous the damn thing that they freaked out and lost control over the iceberg. Thus leaving it stranded on the Titanic's course. They were probably using some alien tech that made the Captain impossible to detect it. And when the Titanic hits the thing, it's camouflage ability was disable thus enables the passengers to be able to see the iceberg.
Yeah, we should thank the Titanic for scaring away those aliens back to their home-planet. Otherwise, why haven't they launch their invasion yet?
Might be they are probably preparing by building something much more larger than the Titanic. If that's the case than... I guess we'll just throw the cheese then... (asdf reference)
3. STUPID REASON: James Cameron's Ancestors and Others?
What if the tragic event that occurred to the Titanic was intentional? And by whom you say? Well Mr. James Cameron's Ancestors and some Others Individuals. You must be saying, 'What...?'Now, listen to me for a sec...
The Titanic was a movie a gross about billions world wide right? And the book were no exceptions. So, if that tragedy never happen? There will be no movie nor books about Titanic nor the story of this 'unsinkable' piece of man creations. See what I mean?
Now, like the Mayans these guys were probably some bunch of a-hole only thinking of themselves or had a vision of the future. More or less...
And they got the idea of sinking the Titanic in order to make their later generations a.k.a James Cameron and the guy whom make the book to be able to make a movie or book adaptation of this tragic event. But how you ask? Well they could have messed up the Captain's bearing and statistic over the course that the Titanic will pass. They could pushed the iceberg but that seem unlikely. Or they could have switch the Captain to someone of their own for a suicide attempt of the Titanic. It could even be those Hollywood guys back then. Who knows... maybe they were just testing if it really was unsinkable and were really confident about it so they brought passengers along for a ride...
No Drawn Image Yet... Maybe later?
Like Ass-assin's Creed... History is not what it seem... They should make a video game about the Titanic! See, I just gave the idea of Assassin's Creed 4. You have to kill Jack per requested by Rose's Mother.
Really now, what happen to the Titanic was probably fate or something. It was consider the greatest creation by man. Maybe, God forsaken them? Or to punish them for whatever reasonable reason. Either way, what's done is done. There's nothing for us to change it let alone to prevent it from happening. Unless there a time machine, then probably we can change that.
Here are some other ideas and theories that I came up with that didn't make the cut.
-You have the internet... Google it! Seriously, these people kept on research on why the Titanic sunk. They should use that time, power and money to research something more useful like... I don't know... A laser beam sword or something? At least it's better than this which has no logical benefit other than "Oh... so that's how the Titanic sunk..."-God did it. End of story
ILLOGICAL / STUPID THEORIES (At least it's MOAR creative... or absurd)
-Illuminati-9/11 Titanic.ver (no offense...)
-The captain was high
-The iceberg was a giant living being that floated near
That's the final entry for week 1. Stay tune for week 2 if the lecture shove me with some more things that I require to think creatively on why, what, how and etc. of that certain topic. This is MZbS, 1122700285, Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharuddin, Signing out...
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