YOLO to all the reader of this blog IF they are willingly to read this blog. During my Creative Studies class I was given a 'unique' piece of item to look at and boy was it so unique. The task? Well, it was to identify it as an object that could sell in the market. For example, it could be a "Hand Wash Helper" or "Dirty Cleaner"... More or less...
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The Curious Thing in Hi-Def drawing |
This is what it looks like and my God how beautiful it is... Whatever this contraption is... Well let see the endless possibility of what this item could be.
The only examples that I'll be posting is of course only three. These three idea for this very 'Curious' thing is based of how logical it is and the fact that I picked it by random and the other fact that it's totally nonsense and ridiculous but might be a possible innovation near in the future if anyone WANTS to make these idea possible which is illogical if you think about and...
I'll shut up now...
Here we go!
1. The Super Itchy Annihilator / The Scratch Booster!
As shown in the figure below, the item is used by placing it on the certain finger of the user to help to increase the power of his/her scratch over the itchy spot of wherever the position may be. It could be a new innovation for mankind to scratch themselves with more efficiently and less time consuming.Plus, with this product, the individual will be able to reach hard to reach places of their itch because of the extend of the product when equipped on the finger as shown in the 3rd diagram. You see, before you use this contraption, you sometimes couldn't reach hard to reach places like your back. Now, you are able to do it!
Anywhere your want to scratch, now you can... even that place... 'if you know what I'm saying'
wink, wink.
2. The One Finger Self-Defense Doohickey!
Meet... some guy I met that gets bullied a lot... sad loser ain't he? He tried self-defense techniques and yet he FAIL to protect his himself. Not anymore though... Now, with the 'TOFISED' (simplified name) he is now able to protect his pathetic self! How? Look at the picture damn it or imagine it!As you can see, before he had the 'TOFISED' he got beat up everyday. Now with the 'TOSIFED', he now can murd... I mean defend... yeah lets go with defend... defend himself from those bullies. See how happy is he?
Where is he now? In a high-security prison sentence to death somewhere I guess...
PICTURE SOON TO BE AVAILABLE... (yeah... right...)
3. The Point-at-You And LOVE ME FOREVER! / Love Point
Love ain't easy, it's hard to find the perfect match for oneself. I mean look at this guy whom appears to be the same guy that used the 'TOSIFED'. He is one of those 'Forever Alone' type. Why don't you stop ejaculating to those CoD or Battlefied or Halo or any First-person shooter and try to fix yourself and socialize. Too lazy? Than just use this piece of plastic the 'title above' to solve your 'Forever Alone'To use it, place it at your finger and point it to the person you desire to make your slav... I mean girlfriend/boyfriend and if you're serious, your wife/husband. A simple point to the target and BAM! she/he is now yours to command and love...
A word of caution though, never under any circumstances that you should ever pull the 'title above' after you married the target. In any case, her/his memories will be reverted back to the point on which was before your used the 'title above' at her/him. So... the creator of the 'title above' will not be responsible for any problem that rises after purchase. Good luck...
All and all... There are many thing that can be imagine on what that Curious Thing is. And anything is possible if we put are minds to it. These three ideas on what the item is may seem kind of stupid or just simply ridiculous but it does mean it's not possible. Look at the world right not, there are now many invention of man that at the beginning thought to be impossible and out of this world. Now look at our world now. The impossible has become possible. There are many of those item that turn the impossible to possible but I'm too lazy to give some example of it.
That's all I guess... It was kind of fun trying to guess what the hell is that Curious Thing. Like I said earlier, I had many ideas on what that is... I'll give some of the ideas I came up that didn't make the cut because of it's boring nature as a creative idea and not good as a bad joke AND too much ridiculousness...
Not really though...
-A pen's head piece-Plastic legging (the plastic table legs or whatever)
-A part from a toy
-Just a plastic thing...
-Part of some keychain
-Part of some music instrument
-A new mini smartphone (Now on your finger!)-Portable pen-drive (butt weight... that's already created...)
-A GPS machine (finger edition?)
-??? (really, that's all I got...)
That all for this part of the first week of PCS0013. I'm MZbS a.k.a 1122700285 a.k.a Muhammad Zulhilmi Shahruddin. And see ya later.
dude that is fricking awesome